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Ticks On Ferrets

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How come it has that many if you don't mind me asking ?

If there is that many on it bud best bet to go see a vet ASAP

Ticks are normally dormant or dead this time of year ????

Do not try to pull them out by hand you need a little tool from the vets about £4-5

or kill them while still dug in infection will set in strate away and could and probbly

Kill the ferret 1st get it to the vets

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Prescription Frontline (feline version) from vets. Ask for a some latex gloves too (provided you aren't allergic to latex), 2-3 sprays of Frontline on fert and rub in over body. However this works best if you already have it when ticks appear, best thing really is to get the little nasties off asap for health reasons, plus when they've had their fill they will just drop off in ferts environment only to re-appear again when they need another snack! If you don't have a tick remover you could use a pair of good tweezers. If you haven't got Ferrets Formula, stick some sunflower/veg oil on ferts belly, direct ferts mouth to oil and get as many ticks as poss off while fert is distracted! Atb.

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You can buy them from Wilkys even the pound shop its also called one spot and really works well mine get done half way through the second month it's a 3 month dose in one very easy metherd all you do is open it and gently work through the fur to the skin and squeeze that's it job done

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tip boiling water on them they will come straight off,


Being plied with boiling water tends to piss off most things really..... :blink: Doubt the fert would be grateful for full thickness burns either...


Problem with ticks is that just before they drop off, or if they are stressed, i.e, by having boiling water, nail polish, vaseline applied to the or even being poked, they regurgitate part of their stomach contents and saliva into the hosts blood stream. This becomes a major issue if the tick is carrying blood borne diseases. Visible ticks need to be physically removed asap with the appropriate tools. Atb.

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I had problem with ticks a few years ago. They were round his eyes. The front-line would hurt if you sprayed it in the eye. I had to pull them out I have three different types of tick pullers and I found this type really good as you can angle it away from the eye so you have no risk of scratching it. make the wire have a smaller grab hold, good for tiny ticks. Everyone says the o'tom tick removers are good- I have one- and find the ferret gets more distracted by them as they are chunky and have to lie flat, while this one its easier to remove many quickly.

Ancol Ergo Dog Tick Remover Tool

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read the sticky put here by rake aboot it makes sense. otom tick puller and some frontline spray all of the spot ons are not for ferrets frontline spray is the best for this job by far. once you have done the ferret get its quarters cleaned out and remove all bedding and anything else in there that might harbour the little critters. i then use a blow torch to go round the inside joints to make sure the little gits are gone then keep the stinker out the hutch for a week or more to make sure they cant be re infested.

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